Alessia Naccarato joined MYOpera for its fifth season production of Béatrice et Bénédict in April 2015.
Alessia Naccarato (right) with Lindsay McIntyre, 2015
1. Where are you from? Toronto
2. Where do you currently live? Toronto
3. What’s your favourite MYOpera memory? Every moment with MyOpera was a memorable one but I do remember one particular rehearsal for Beatrice and Benedict on a Saturday afternoon in the basement of Blessed Sacrament Church. I think we were all pretty tired at this point and I seem to remember there was a lot of uncontrollable giggling going on. How or why it started I have no idea but rehearsals were always a good time. But I think my favourite memory was opening night when we put Beatrice and Benedict up on its feet in front of an audience for the first time. It was a really special feeling to be able to share that with the performers I had been working so closely with over the last 8 weeks. Read more »