Alessia Naccarato joined MYOpera for its fifth season production of Béatrice et Bénédict in April 2015.
Alessia Naccarato (right) with Lindsay McIntyre, 2015
1. Where are you from? Toronto
2. Where do you currently live? Toronto
3. What’s your favourite MYOpera memory? Every moment with MyOpera was a memorable one but I do remember one particular rehearsal for Beatrice and Benedict on a Saturday afternoon in the basement of Blessed Sacrament Church. I think we were all pretty tired at this point and I seem to remember there was a lot of uncontrollable giggling going on. How or why it started I have no idea but rehearsals were always a good time. But I think my favourite memory was opening night when we put Beatrice and Benedict up on its feet in front of an audience for the first time. It was a really special feeling to be able to share that with the performers I had been working so closely with over the last 8 weeks.
4. What role did MYOpera play in your career/life? MYOpera was my first real opera job out of school and what a great first experience! I was able to to work while continuing to hone my craft with a group of very talented and supportive people. I think the friendships I made are the most important thing that I will take away from the whole experience. MYOpera gave me taste of the possibilities of grassroots opera in Toronto and it looks like it’s going to be an exciting future.
5. What have you been doing since MYOpera? MYOpera Beatrice and Benedict was my last project for the spring and since I just finished up my MMus at UofT, I have been enjoying some time off in the beautiful weather! Next up, I’m headed to Lucca in Tuscany to sing in Handel’s Rinaldo with Accademia Europa dell’Opera so I’ve been preparing for that and can’t wait to take in all that Italy has to offer!
6. What’s your favourite opera (to watch/listen to)? This is a really difficult question. It’s so hard to choose just one but I think I would have to go with Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro. Mozart is great because even though it often sounds simple, it can be deceivingly tricky and I think can challenge singers of all voice types. For me, the Marriage of Figaro is one of the most entertaining plots in opera. I love the fact that it’s a comedy but also has some really poignant and beautiful moments.
7. What’s your guilty pleasure song (any genre)? Literally any One Direction song. I’m a sucker for boy bands.
8. Traveling is always an adventure! What’s your favourite/most memorable travel experience? Again, it’s hard to choose just one but one of my favourite trips I ever took was a University Choir tour to Austria. It was the best time because I got to sing some really great music with a really great group of people while experiencing Europe. One particular night in Vienna was especially memorable. We had just done a concert that evening and all went out as a group for Vienna’s famous Sacher-Torte (the most delicious chocolate cake ever!) and then a small group of us decided to walk back to the hotel. Of course we got lost and ended up wandering Vienna for what felt like hours in the middle of the night. We were all to stubborn to concede defeat and get a cab so we wandered until we eventually found it. Vienna was beautifully lit up at night and so quiet, free of the hoards of tourists you’d find in the middle of the day. It’s definitely a memory that will stay with me.
9. Do you have a signature dish/meal that you make? Tell us about it! I am the worst cook ever so anytime I make something, it has to be super low maintenance. I’m a huge fan of salads (because they’re easy) and a great one for summertime is a quinoa-red bean salad. I’ll usually do half/half chickpeas and red beans. Throw in some sliced tomatoes, parsley, and lemon juice for dressing and you’re good to go! Actually the great thing about it is that you can add whatever you want to your quinoa base depending on your taste. And if you want to go for a slightly less healthy option, replace your quinoa with couscous; delicious!
10. Singers/Artists are busy people! What’s your favourite snack when you’re on the go? As a commuter, If I know I have a full day ahead, I’ll try to pack lots of healthy food to eat. I always try to avoid fast food lunches whenever possible because it keeps my body (and wallet) happy. Some of my favourite snacks on the go are cheese, hummus, vegetables, and fruit.
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